How to make a changing table with your own hands? 43 photos Models of tables from a chest of drawers for newborns

Before the birth of a child, parents must prepare a lot of things that are necessary for the first months of a baby's life. For some families, buying a baby bed, a stroller, a bathtub, clothes and a baby first aid kit is the first priority. Sometimes this list is replenished with a changing table. And it is not always clear what it is for and whether it is possible to do it yourself.

Luxury or necessity?

Before you start building a changing table, you need to understand whether its presence is really so necessary for a child. On the one hand, this is a fairly convenient thing, but on the other, many young parents can do without it.

The main advantages of the changing table include:

  • Convenience for mom. Sometimes the baby has to be changed many times - he burp, then he pees himself, then gets dirty, then he needs to be collected for a walk, then undressed. If the mother constantly changes the baby's clothes, standing over the sofa or bed, then she will constantly strain her back. And this part of the body of a young mother is already subject to constant stress. The diaper is at the optimal height, which allows the parent not to bend.
  • Safety for the child. As a rule, a changing table or chest of drawers is equipped with various drawers and shelves, which contain everything needed for small children. Therefore, changing the baby's clothes, the parent has access to all the accessories he needs, which makes it possible not to leave the child alone. This provides him with additional safety, because a few months after birth he will learn to roll over, which means he may fall.
  • Wellness for the baby. Often a small family member needs therapeutic massage or gymnastics. These treatments help develop muscle and flexibility. For the correct implementation of treatment measures, a flat surface is required, which the diaper has.

Having studied all the positive qualities of this piece of furniture, you can make sure that it is necessary for the early development of the baby. But it is not necessary to buy it in the store, since its cost significantly exceeds the cost of ordinary tables and dressers. In addition, a homemade table will become a highlight of the children's room.


Swaddler manufacturers claim that these products are intended for babies under one year old. But in practice, this statement is not always true. It is important to correlate the age of the baby with the size of the table.

If the changing table is 70 cm long, then it will be convenient only for a child a little over six months old. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child. But the surface length of 90-100 cm can be used by parents until the baby reaches a year and even more.


Before creating a drawing of a changing table for a baby, you need not only to stock up on tools and materials, but also to decide on the type of future design.

The lightest option is a soft board that can be laid on any comfortable surface. This product has protective sides on the sides, and on top it has a waterproof pad.

Another design that you can do yourself is a whatnot. It can be placed on a wooden, metal or even plastic frame and have several shelves. On top of the bookcase there is a changing board, which can have either a hard or a soft base.

The most comfortable is a chest of drawers with a changing surface. Its main differences are convenience, stability and spaciousness. In this case, the changing table can be folding or removable, depending on the model.

Hanging table looks very ergonomically. The structure is fixed to the wall and unfolds if necessary. Conveniently, it has special pockets for storing hygiene items.

Difficult for hand-made manufacture is a transforming diaper. The advantage of such a product is that after a while it can be modified and turned into an ordinary children's table.

Material selection

When choosing a material for making a table, parents should rely on its safety. So, the frame of the product can consist of wood, MDF or chipboard. If there is a financial opportunity, of course, it is better to stay with a natural tree. And for a budget option, MDF and chipboard are suitable.

The changing board can also consist of MDF or chipboard, plus it is equipped with a soft filler and waterproof fabric. For filling, you can buy foam rubber, holofiber and even a terry towel. It all depends on the desire of the master.

Experts advise purchasing hypoallergenic material, since a small child is most susceptible to allergic reactions.

If the structure is later painted or varnished, then it is imperative that these products have quality certification. They should not contain toxic substances. In the best case, a special inscription should be present on the paint and varnish product, allowing it to be used in the children's room.

All fittings should be used to a minimum and kept hidden. Thus, you can maximally protect the grown baby from damage from bolts and sliding mechanisms.

Construction methods

The assembly principle of different models of changing tables is different.

Folding wall

The wall-mounted changing table is almost invisible when folded. Due to the lack of support for it, it is necessary to make certain efforts to create a stable structure.

You need to mount the wall table on a solid and reliable wall.

This is necessary so that she can withstand a weight of up to 10 kg. The hinged cover of the product must be installed on gas lifts, which will allow it not to close spontaneously. It would be nice to build several shelves in the wall part of the diaper. Thus, you can not only organize the storage system, but also provide additional stability of the base.


The design of the hanging changing table is made up of a board, sides and supporting corners. All these elements must be cut out of chipboard and connected with self-tapping screws. For better fixing, the holes for the self-tapping screws are best filled with glue.


The portable changing board is good for its mobility. For its manufacture, you will need chipboard sheets, an electric jigsaw, self-tapping screws, a primer and paints and varnishes.

The basis of the product consists of a board, the length of which is 90-100 cm, and the width is 60 cm. The sides have a length equal to the length of the board, and their height should not exceed 10 cm. You can build an additional side at the head of the structure. In this case, its length should be 60 cm.

The parts are connected with screws or self-tapping screws, and at the end of the work, the entire table is primed and painted.


A soft table can be made of a foam cushion 3-4 cm thick. From above it should be sheathed with a waterproof material, for example, a diaper. Separately for the product, it is necessary to sew a cover made of natural fabric, which will have a zipper on the side.

Chest of drawers

To assemble this type of structure, it is desirable to have professional carpentry skills. It is imperative to use detailed drawings indicating all measurements.

Chipboards should be cut as accurately as possible. In addition to the boards that come with the kit, you need to check for the presence of guides for rolling out the boxes, handles, legs, corners, screws and screws. From the tools you will need a screwdriver, an electric drill, a measuring tape and drills.

The assembly process is quite complex, so it is important to adhere to the drawings exactly and do everything consistently.

Whichever model of the changing table is chosen, you need to sensibly evaluate your own capabilities. With a little patience and some free time, you are ready to use a custom newborn swaddle.

For more information on how to make a changing table, see the video below.