Surely you have encountered extraneous noise and background sounds while recording video or audio files. This is very annoying.
In this article, we will look at the reasons for the appearance of such sounds, and also dwell in more detail on the methods that will improve the quality of the microphone.
Causes of occurrence
Any background noises and extraneous sounds during recording from a microphone can be caused by a variety of reasons, they can be hardware and software.
The most common reasons can be named.
- Poor quality or faulty equipment can emit radiation by itself. If problems arise with expensive microphones, repairs may be worthwhile, while cheaper models are better off simply replacing.
- Driver problems. As a rule, sound card drivers do not require a significant amount of settings, and this is their main difference from printer drivers and video adapters. You have to diagnose such a problem by updating and reinstalling them.
- Extraneous noise during microphone operation can be associated with poor communication, in particular, a weak Internet connection. This could be caused by no signal or technical problems with the provider.
Other reasons that cause extraneous noise during microphone recording are:
- incorrect hardware settings:
- damage to the microphone cable;
- the presence of nearby electrical appliances that can cause sound vibrations.
As practice shows, in most cases the problem becomes a consequence of the action of several factors simultaneously.
How to fix it?
If the microphone starts to make noise during recording, then you can take a variety of measures to correct the malfunction. Depending on the source of the problem, they can be software or technical.
When recording
If your equipment hiss, the first step is to make sure that there is a sufficiently stable connection to the computer and that the input signal is not too high.
To check the condition of the connecting cable, you need to twitch it carefully , if you hear an increase in crackling, then most likely the problem is in it. Also, make sure that the plug fits snugly into the connector.
We draw your attention to the fact that if the connector does not provide the proper connection density, then it may need to be replaced, since it will be rather problematic to fit the contacts.
To test the second variant of the malfunction, you need to measure the height of the input signal in the settings. There are two main methods for correcting the situation in real time: using internal adjustments and external ones.
With external tools
If there is a special input signal level control on the microphone or on its amplifier, you need to scroll it down.
If there is no such device, then you can weaken the sensitivity of the equipment using the toggle switch.
Through internal settings
In the tray, you need to activate the speaker icon, and then go to the "Recorder" item. In the window that opens, you need to select the required tape recorder and by clicking the right mouse button in the hidden menu go to the "Properties" block. Then you need to use the "Sound level" tab , there are two types of controls: microphone and gain. Try to lower them so you can get a noticeable reduction in noise.
The source of unnecessary sounds is often an incorrect extension set for recording or errors in the sound card settings. In order to fix the selected default audio track formats, you need to follow the path: speaker - recording device - properties - addition.
In the window that opens, you will see a list of valid extensions - try installing one of the first three, as a rule, they are less susceptible to extraneous sound inclusions.
You can use the Realtek app to change the map settings . In the control panel, they need to activate the "Microphone" tab and on it enable the echo cancellation and noise suppression function.
It is very easy to solve a technical problem with drivers. To do this, you need to use the installation disc, if available. And if you don't have one, you can go to the manufacturer's website, download and then install all the necessary software. Please note that there are no special drivers for the microphone, so you just need to select your PC model and on the page that opens with the block of additional programs set the version of the operating system.
More serious problems can be the cause of extraneous sounds during recording, namely:
- violation of the integrity of the contact inside the device;
- interference in the membrane;
- failure of the electronic board.
Of all these problems, only problems with contacts can be tried by the user himself. To do this, you need to disassemble the microphone body, find the breakage area and fix the problem with soldering. If the membrane is damaged, it will need to be replaced. However, due to its high price, such a measure is relevant only for the highest quality equipment. If you have budget equipment at your disposal, it will be more profitable to purchase a new installation.
The breakdown of the electronic board can only be eliminated by the specialists of the service center , since in this case it is necessary to use accurate diagnostic methods to establish the area of the malfunction.
Background noise
If the recording was made in a room where there is no soundproofing, the user may encounter a problem with background background noise.
Low quality audio recordings are eliminated using software methods . In most cases, audio editors provide special noise suppressors that can vary in accuracy and complexity.
For users who want not only to remove noise in the microphone, but also strive to further improve the sound of the track without spending additional funds, you can install the program on your computer or laptop Audacity. Its main advantage is an understandable Russian interface and free availability of all the proposed functionality. In order to activate the noise reduction function, you need to go to the Effects tab, and from there to Noise Removal.
After that, you should select the "Create noise model" option, where you need to set certain parameters of the interval containing extraneous sounds and save them using OK.
After that, you should select the entire audio track and run the instrument again, and then try to change the value of such parameters as sensitivity, smoothing frequency, and suppression system. This will allow you to achieve better sound quality.
This completes the work, you can save the resulting file and use it in further work.
How to remove noise after recording?
If you have already made a noisy recording on which you can hear the buzzing of vehicles outside the window, neighbors talking behind the wall, or the howling of the wind, then you have to work with what you have. If the extraneous sounds are not too strong, then you can try to clean up the recording using sound editors, the principle of operation here is the same as we described above.
For more serious noise cancellation, you can use the Sound Forge program. It copes 100% with any extraneous sounds, and, in addition, helps to level the effect of electromagnetic waves that are caused by electrical appliances operating nearby. The sequence of actions in this case looks the same as when removing background noise.
Another effective application for handling audio files is
REAPER. This program has fairly broad functionality for recording tracks and editing sound. It was she who became widespread in the professional environment, but you can also use this program at home, especially since you can always download a free 60-day trial version on the official website. You can clear the audio track from extraneous sounds in this program using the ReaFir option.
For the vast majority of users, REAPER's capabilities are more than enough. Some users claim that even the so-called white noise can be removed with this program.
In conclusion, we can say that there are a variety of ways to suppress extraneous microphone noise. In most cases, users can easily and simply achieve the desired sound quality improvement. It should be understood that even if the simplest method turned out to be powerless, this does not mean at all that all other actions will also be useless. You just need to configure the software as correctly as possible and set the operating parameters of the hardware.
For information on how to remove microphone noise in Adobe Premiere Pro, see below.