Mini-pig (41 photos): a description of adult dwarf pigs and small pigs. How long do mini-pigs live and how big do they grow? How to feed them?

Mini pigs are small piglets that are very popular. Previously, such animals were most often used for various kinds of research (most often medical), but today such a pig is kept as an original and in its own way exotic pet. Dwarf piggies as pets have a number of advantages and disadvantages, as evidenced by the reviews of their owners.

In our material, we will get acquainted with the description of the animal, learn about its characteristics, and also consider the rules for its maintenance and recommendations for care.


Today mini-pigs can be seen in many households in our country. Some breeders, buying an unusual pet, try to show their shocking and extraordinary, while others have a real love for four-legged brothers. One way or another, before buying a pig, it is important to study its description and all sorts of characteristics.

Initially, small decorative pigs were bred in Germany, which is why this country is considered the birthplace of miniature animals. The mini-pig breed was created by crossing a small wild boar and a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. But the experiments did not end there. Despite the fact that small pigs are now known all over the world, breeders (including Russian ones) continue to study and breed individuals whose size will be even smaller. Conventionally, these pigs are called micro-pigs.

If we talk about the appearance of pigs, then first of all it should be noted that in their size they do not exceed the dimensions of a large cat or small dog and look rather miniature. The color of the animal can be very diverse (both monochromatic and with multi-colored splashes). Most often, you can see pink mini pigs with black and red spots.

The weight of the animal is usually in the range from 30 to 80 kilograms, and it is worth noting that the most active growth of pigs is observed in the first or second year of life, after which the development processes stop.

However, it is important to note that stopping developmental processes does not mean maintaining a constant size, because adult mini-pigs are rather actively gaining weight. That is why it is important to pay great attention to the diet, as well as the composition of the food itself.

If you want your piglet to grow fat and large, then you need to feed it often and abundantly (and vice versa).

How many years do dwarf pigs live?

It is believed that under normal conditions, which include regular nutritious feeding, walks, vitamins, preventive and medical veterinary examinations, as well as care measures, at home, mini-pigs can live up to 15 years.

However, the life expectancy at home can increase significantly. So, scientists have recorded cases of life of mini-pigs who have become centenarians and survived their twentieth birthday.

How big do they grow?

As mentioned above, the normal weight of an adult mini-pig that lives in an apartment is considered to be a mass in the range from 30 to 80 kilograms . On the other hand, 80 kg is not the maximum. There is no specific maximum weight for a miniature animal, but if your piglet weighs more than 80 kg, then this is a reason to show it to the veterinarian.

After all, it is known that a large excess of weight and a significant deviation from the norm can cause various kinds of diseases (in particular, heart).

In addition, if you begin to notice a sharp jump in your pet's weight, then first of all, you should reconsider the diet of the mini-pig, and also increase its level of activity (for example, go for regular walks).


Mini pigs themselves are rather unusual exotic pets that are sure to impress your neighbors, friends and acquaintances. However, if you are seriously considering getting such a pig, then you should know that there are several breeds of miniature pigs. Moreover, these breeds differ not only in color and size, but also in behavioral habits.

Consider several popular miniature pig breeds.

"Bergstrasser Knirt"

This variety is one of the smallest, because adults of mini-pigs do not exceed 15 kilograms in weight (the maximum weight of females is 10 kg, males - 15 kg). Such animals are quite calm and friendly, and there is no aggression in their behavior.

Thus, mini-pigs of the "Bergstrasser Knirt" breed can be kept even in small houses or apartments, as well as where children live - the pig will not harm the baby with its behavior.

"Mini mayyalino"

Following the aforementioned variety, one cannot fail to mention another miniature breed of mini-pigs. The weight of these pets also ranges from 10 to 15 kilograms. It is important to note that a distinctive feature of these piglets is their unusual and original coloration. So, there are 2 options: coal black and speckled.

Interestingly, "Mini Mayyalino" are quite intelligent animals and can be trained well.


This breed differs from those described above, first of all, in its size and physique. So, the average weight of a pig is 25 kilograms, and as for the shape of the body, it resembles a square or rectangle. From an aesthetic point of view, such piglets are not attractive, so they are rarely chosen by lovers of exotic pets.

On the other hand, the animal is distinguished by high intellectual abilities. The owners of the Wiesenau breed note that they easily trained the miniature pig to the toilet.

"Göttingen" mini pig

The Göttingen mini-pig is a rather large animal. Due to the fact that its weight can reach 100 kilograms, it is quite difficult to keep such a pig in a city apartment, but for private land it is perfect.

It is not surprising that this type of mini-pig is quite voracious and needs a lot of food.

"Miniature Siberian"

Despite the fact that such a pig is 2 times smaller than the above breed (maximum weight - 50 kilograms), it also has a great love for food. As for the appearance, the distinctive characteristics of the breed are rather long and slender legs, as well as the absence of a sagging belly. In addition, thanks to the name, it is easy to guess that this breed is suitable for growing in harsh and rather cold climates.

As you can see, although mini-pigs are considered to be quite miniature animals, there are different breeds and varieties of pigs. That is why, before buying, it is necessary to carefully study all the biological characteristics of the animal so that unpleasant surprises do not arise in the process of its growth and development.

Care features

First of all, it should be noted that compliance with the rules of care and maintenance is the most important element of the correct growth and development of an animal. Due to their small size, most of the breeds of mini-pigs take root well in the apartment, and the high intellectual abilities of piglets make it easy to train them to the tray.

As a toilet for mini-pigs, it is best to use a wide container with small sides: you can find a similar container at home, or you can buy a tray designed for cats. One way or another, it must be remembered that any fillers cannot be poured into the tray, because the pig may scatter or eat them.

It is worth remembering the fact that during the care process it is important to control the portions of food, because overeating (which piglets are prone to) can have negative consequences for the pet (often fatal). It is advisable to create a clear schedule and diet. And this applies not only to the type of food or portion size, but also to the immediate feeding time.

In addition, it is important to maintain high motor activity in the mumps. For this, it is recommended to go out with the animal for regular walks at least once a day. In the process of walking, it is important to arrange mobile activities of various kinds - for example, you can just run around with a pig. Don't forget to wear a collar and leash.

As places for walking mini pigs, you need to choose not only green lawns or forests, but also parks, as well as other areas where there is asphalt. Such a hard surface of the road allows small pigs to wash their hooves.

In a special way, you need to take care of very small, just-born mini-pigs. Getting into a new space (your home), such an animal needs some adaptation. During that period, while the piglet gets used to the new environmental conditions, it should not be stroked or touched, and even more so, take it in your arms. During the adaptation period, the pig needs to be given a minimum of attention and give her the opportunity to master herself.

Like any other animal, the miniature pig needs its place. Its size should correspond to the size of the pet itself. So, for the smallest individuals, a small basket may be suitable. But the larger the animal, the more space it requires. For example, it is desirable to settle a large breed "Göttingen" mini-pig in a separate room.

We should not forget about water procedures. For mini-pigs, they are not only hygienic, but also entertaining. After bathing, it is imperative to apply various care products with a moisturizing effect (creams, oils, etc.) to the animal's skin. This is necessary due to the fact that the skin of mini-pigs is rather dry, and even the minimal amount of fat that is present is washed out after bathing.

Dry skin causes significant discomfort to the animal and causes discomfort.

Another important care detail is the need to trim the hooves. However, only keratinized and dead parts should be removed. Such a manipulation should be carried out using sharp scissors and very carefully. It is advisable to carry out cutting together - this way, one person will be able to trim nails, and the second - keep the pig in a static position.

By following all the rules and recommendations, you can be sure that your pig will live a long, healthy and happy life.

What to feed?

A huge plus of the mini-pig as a pet is its omnivorous nature. Such animals eat everything that humans eat as well (this is due to the similarity of metabolic processes). It is important to observe the breakfast, lunch and dinner regime for minipigs. A rough diagram of a meal schedule should look like this:

  • breakfast must include cereals or cereals - you can use pearl barley, barley, wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.;
  • a great lunch option is fruits and vegetables;
  • for dinner, the piglet can be fed with cereals, fruits and fermented milk products.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to adhere to a certain composition and schedule of nutrition, it is also important to exclude from the Pig's diet some foods that can adversely affect his health. These products include:

  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • seasonings (including salt);
  • sugar;
  • baked goods;
  • cabbage;
  • beets;
  • potatoes;
  • bow;
  • corn;
  • nuts.

Also, experts recommend cooking for the pig and feeding it separately. The animal should not feed on waste and uneaten food from your table.

How to distinguish a mini-pig from a regular pig?

In fact, there are only a few signs by which you can tell the difference between a miniature pig and a regular pet that is raised and fattened for further consumption.

  • First of all, animals differ significantly in their size.
  • Unlike regular large domestic pigs, mini pigs do not emit unpleasant odors. That is why they can be easily kept indoors.
  • Small pigs have a denser coat.

When buying a mini-pig, be sure to ask the seller about the pedigree of the animal, and also ask to show your passport and any other documents he has. This way you can avoid being cheated.

In addition, experienced breeders advise buying miniature pigs only from special farms that breed such animals. In this case, you can personally make sure that you are purchasing a dwarf, and not an ordinary domestic pig.

Owner reviews

There are as many opinions as there are people on earth. Some owners of dwarf piglets are delighted with their unusual pets, while others, on the contrary, regret purchasing an exotic pet.

As for the positive aspects, many owners of mini-pigs note the fact that the animal is absolutely hypoallergenic . Therefore, if you suffer from asthma or any other diseases on the basis of which, for medical reasons, you are contraindicated to have a cat or a dog, then a miniature pig may be an excellent option.

Another plus, which, first of all, will delight the owners of cats and dogs, is that little piggies get along quite easily with other animals that already live in the family. Thus, you do not have to sacrifice your desires - you can turn everyone on at once.

An ambiguous characteristic of dwarf pigs is that they require a lot of attention, and also love human company. Therefore, if you want to brighten up loneliness and get a loyal and affectionate friend, then the mini-pig will be an excellent option. But if you want your pet to not require increased attention to itself, then you should not give preference to exotic pigs.

On the negative side, many breeders of these animals report that mini-pigs can spoil the furnishings in your home. Piglets, despite the fact that they are dwarf, retain their nature and remain clumsy and clumsy . They can also chew on shoes or ruin the wallpaper. However, it is worth noting that this behavior may also be typical for more traditional pets (for example, cats or dogs).

The high price of the animal also repels many people. Moreover, high cost is not a guarantee of a long and happy life. As you can see above, guinea pigs need quite careful care (especially with regard to the nutritional aspect).

Thus, not only buying, but also caring for a pet is not cheap.

Should you start?

There are a huge number of factors that vote "for", but there are also characteristics "against" the establishment of a mini-pig. In any case, you should love animals, and also be able to devote enough time to your pet. If you are not very sure about the regularity and consistency of your lifestyle, you often move or travel, then you should not have a little pig.

You should also take into account the life expectancy of the animal - about 15 years. Think about whether you are ready to devote that amount of time to an exotic animal.

Remember that caring for a small pig can be quite cumbersome: eating right, taking frequent walks, and taking special hygiene procedures . In this regard, it is important to assess your budget and financial situation, and also to understand if you can allocate enough money not only for the purchase, but also for caring for the pig.

Pay attention to the owners' reviews that dwarf pigs are prone to destruction of household items, furniture and other things. Getting lost on an animal is not an option, so be sure to consider this point. After all, with stressful work and a busy lifestyle, any little things can be annoying.

Remember that the purchase of any pet (and even more so demanding) is in any case a responsibility. Make sure you can carry it before buying.

        So, we have studied the history of the appearance, as well as the biological description of dwarf pigs. We looked at animal breeds and found out what kind of care measures they need. To start or not to start - the choice is yours.

        For how to care for a pig, see the next video.