Pavlovsk chickens (25 photos): description and history of the breed. Subspecies Pavlovsk gold and Pavlovsk silver. Rooster, laying hen and chick care. Reviews

Pavlovsk chickens are considered one of the most beautiful domesticated animals. Their appearance is the ideal of chicken beauty. The Pavlovsk breed appeared in the distant 17th century, and the history of its development was rather difficult.

However, despite this, the breed of Pavlovsk chickens still exists today. Poultry farmers appreciate these animals for their resistance to external conditions, as well as for high fertility.

What are the distinctive characteristics of Pavlovsky hens? How did this breed come about? What subspecies exist and how to properly care for animals? In our article you will get acquainted with a detailed description of the Pavlovsk chicken breed, as well as study the reviews of the bird owners.


Pavlovsk chickens, in comparison with other breeds of domestic animals, have a non-standard, but at the same time, quite attractive appearance. The birds are quite light, have a graceful gait and have a noble posture.

It is important to note the fact that the body of Pavlovsky chickens is horizontal, and the head is small. The real decoration of the head is the crest, which, in turn, is endowed with an original shape resembling a helmet. In addition, the head features features such as a beard and bows. These appearance details are quite lush and voluminous.

The feathers on the tuft are vertical, which ensures that the "face", in particular the eyes of the hen, is completely open. Even those crests that are impressive in size do not disturb the visibility for Pavlovsky chickens.

The beak also has a non-standard shape. By itself, it is rather small and neat, but its important distinguishing characteristic is the fact that the end of the beak is slightly bent. The beak can be painted in a wide variety of shades: from pink to almost black. The beak is endowed with nostrils that are raised above its surface, they can be clearly seen quite clearly.

Another feature of the Pavlovsk breed is an underdeveloped ridge, which is located above the beak across the head. The crest is behind the crest.

Chicken eyes are unusual - they have beautiful and deep cherry shades of various tones (in some individuals, the eyes may be almost black). The ears also have feathers that overlap the lobes. The back tapers towards the tail, and the chest has a pronounced protrusion. The chicken's tail is also vertical and rather large in size.

The plumage of the animal differs depending on the sex. So, roosters are more luxuriant than hens. It is this sign that helps determine the sex of the animal.

Breeding history

First of all, it should be noted that the Pavlovsk breed of chickens is the very first breed of domesticated animals that was bred in Russia. If you turn to historical sources, you will notice that the first mention of these animals dates back to the 17th century.

Unfortunately, due to such a prescription it is impossible to establish a more specific date, as well as the ancestors of the breed and those breeders who were engaged in its breeding. In addition, during that period, the achievements of the breeders were not considered something valuable or significant.

Having existed on the territory of our country for about 200 years, by the beginning of the 19th century, the Pavlovsk breed of chickens was in decline - the threat of extinction hung over it. In the same century, chickens began to spread not only throughout Russia, but throughout all countries of the world: first they came to Turkey, then to England. In foreign countries, Pavlovsky chickens acquired a new name and began to be called Sultan chickens. In this regard, it can be argued with a sufficient level of confidence that all European chicken breeds are descendants of Russian Pavlovian animals.

An interesting fact: to date, breeders are doing a great job to restore the historical breed of animals. Therefore, it can now be argued that the Pavlovsk chickens that exist today have the same appearance as they had before 1926.

Modern scholars and researchers in this matter were guided by the book of I.I.Abozin, which was published in 1905.


As we have already been able to see thanks to the external description of the animal, as well as the historical information about it, the Pavlovsk chicken is a rather unique breed. However, it is not uniform in structure and includes several subspecies. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


Already from the very name of the Pavlovsk chicken subspecies, it becomes clear that the silver variety has an unusual color - it is called silver. The main feather color is white, but there are frequent blotches of darker shades (black and dark gray). A special distinguishing feature, thanks to which the subspecies got its name, is the glossy sheen of a white feather. On the other hand, the dark areas of the bird's body also have an unusual green tint.

The Pavlovsk silver chicken is a rather small breed in terms of its quantity. That is why it is highly regarded by breeders and poultry farmers, which, in turn, significantly increases the price of an animal.


The golden variety of the Pavlovsk breed of chickens has an attractive and unusual appearance. These animals are endowed with an unusual feather color - a combination of brown and gold. In addition, the bird's body is dotted with black spots.

Just like the silvery variety, the golden breed has the ability to shine in the sun. On the other hand, the most important difference between this variety and the one described above (in addition to plumage color) is the prevalence of chickens. Golden Pavlovian hens are more popular, and therefore easier to obtain, they are also cheaper.

Features of the content

To begin with, an important fact should be noted: Pavlov's chickens are quite easy to care for, they do not have any specific requirements, and are rather unpretentious in care. The only prerequisite for keeping such poultry is the ability to walk them. This need is due to the high level of mobility and activity that chickens have. Because of these characteristics, they are not recommended to be kept in cages.

The hen house itself, which will become a permanent home for animals, must be spacious enough and have a large area. In addition, it must be warm (if necessary, heated). This requirement is especially relevant for areas with harsh climatic conditions. The thing is that the bird does not tolerate severe frosts.

The chicken coop must be equipped with special perches on which the chickens could gain a foothold. These elements should be located 1 meter from the floor.

If desired and possible, you can build specialized ladders for raising chickens, however, this is not at all necessary - the Pavlovsk breed will jump on perches on its own.

In the warm season (summer, late autumn and early spring), animals should spend the maximum amount of time outdoors. Equip outdoor perches if possible.

When it comes to housekeeping and cleaning, the procedure is quite simple. It is enough only once a year to replace the litter in the chicken coop, and its walls should be treated with slaked lime . Hay in laying hens' nests should be replaced at least once every 4 weeks (this is especially important during the period when they begin to lay). You should also thoroughly clean and rinse the feeders and drinkers once every 8 weeks. These hygiene procedures will protect animals from infection with harmful microorganisms, as well as from various bacteria, infections and diseases.

In addition, all individuals (chickens, roosters, chickens, broilers) must be regularly treated with specially designed chemicals for parasites.

Pavlovsk chickens - both silver and golden subspecies - eat the same food. In the summer, when animals spend most of their time outdoors, any additional artificial feeding should be minimized. During this period, pasture should become the main food of animals: grass, insects, etc.

However, make sure that the area in which the chickens graze is completely safe (no poisonous plants, debris, etc.).

On the other hand, much more attention should be paid to the diet of poultry during cold seasons. Food should be healthy and complete, full of all the necessary minerals and vitamins. In addition, you should make sure that the portions are large enough. So, it is believed that a chicken should eat 1 portion of food no faster than half an hour. It is important to remember that food must be fresh. So, the diet can include:

  • mixtures of grains;
  • compound feed;
  • grass flour;
  • waste from meat and fish;
  • milk whey;
  • mash;
  • mixes of vitamins and minerals.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure free access to water. Keep the fluid clean and fresh and change it regularly.


Owners who already own Pavlovsky chickens, for the most part, leave positive reviews about this breed of animals. So, they distinguish such features as early maturity, egg production, a fairly developed maternal instinct, as well as a low mortality rate. Thanks to these positive qualities, the Pavlovsk breed of chickens is the choice of many breeders and poultry breeders. And this applies not only to experienced craftsmen, but also to beginners.

On the other hand, Pavlovsky chickens, like any other animals, have not only positive traits, but also disadvantages. Among them, the most significant are such features as increased activity, the ability to fly high and noise.

Nevertheless, the benefits of chickens outweigh.

For the maintenance and breeding of Pavlovsky chickens, see below.