Furniture for a small hallway (49 photos): modular furniture for a very small corridor in an apartment, design ideas

Modern design is presented by many ideas, thanks to which the home gets a cozy and effective look. For different rooms, depending on their purpose, a special style of decoration and decor is selected. Each room in the house is unique in its own way, as it performs a specific function in a person's life. The entrance hall deserves special attention, because this room is the first to catch the eye when entering the house. The overall impression of the owners of the house, their tastes and preferences depends on its design.

Selection features

Today, not everyone can boast of having a large hallway. Most of the apartments are planned in such a way that the smallest part of the living space remains for this room. Therefore, picking up and arranging furniture in a small hallway is sometimes considered a big problem. For this room to be beautifully and creatively equipped, it is necessary to rationally use its space.

The right solution for a very small hallway in an apartment or house would be to choose modular furniture.

For many owners, it will seem difficult to decorate a small hallway, but if everything is calculated and designed correctly, then this room will turn into an original "visiting" card of the house. First of all, you need to rid this room of volumetric elements and forget about dimensional cabinets.

Of course, large furniture can accommodate everything, but it will “eat up” the already missing living space. Therefore, for small hallways, you will need to select those models in which you can place the things that are currently being used.

As a rule, clothes are stored in the hallway closets according to the season, and everything else is hidden in closets or mezzanines.

An important indicator in the layout of a room is the number of household members, that is, it is worth taking into account the number of all residents and, already starting from this, calculate the amount of clothes and shoes for each. You must also remember about the guests. If the owners of the house are very hospitable, they are often visited by friends, neighbors, relatives, you need to take care of the comfort of the visitors and allocate several shelves and hooks for clothes for them.

When installing furniture in the hallway, you should correctly choose its color and material. For small rooms, it is recommended to purchase light shades with a glossy or mirror surface. Dark structures in the room will not only look gloomy, but also visually "steal" the already miniature space.

Therefore, you need to choose a maximum of mirrors and light colors. As for the materials of furniture, wood, MDF or chipboard would be the right solution.

To simplify the process of planning a room, you can draw a sketch of it. Thus, the figure will see everything that is possible to translate into reality. Sketches are made both independently and to order.

When designing small hallways, designers advise against using the following:

  • Massive modules and facades. They not only do not fit into the general appearance of the room, but also often block the passage in the corridors.
  • Decorative shelves on the walls. Open surfaces will not serve as an element of decoration, but will turn into collections of trash. Therefore, it is best to install shallow small shelves for keys and cosmetics.
  • Deep furniture. In small rooms, cupboards with a depth of 600 mm cannot be installed.
  • Huge armchairs. For many, they serve as an excellent place for comfortable changing shoes, but in miniature hallways it is worth forgetting about this type of furniture.


If a small hallway room resembles a square with a narrow passage, it will take a lot of tricks and efforts to make the room look decent. In addition, the main task in such a decor will be the maximum space saving. Therefore, minimalism is suitable for a small hallway. This type of design has its own characteristics. This also applies to furniture.

For a miniature room, an excellent option would be:

  • Closet. The doors of the structure do not take up additional space, as they open in a parallel direction to the wall. In many models of such furniture there is no wall, which makes them much more compact. In addition, such modules are often forced into corner space. Cabinets allow you to store a lot of things and accessories, look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Hanger. If the size of the hallway is limited and the wardrobe does not fit in them, an alternative solution would be to use a hanger. Today there is a huge selection of these models. Unlike cabinet furniture, they take up a minimum of space and are designed to store hats, umbrellas, clothes and other wardrobe items.

Distinguish between wall and floor hangers. At the same time, the first of them have a multi-tiered appearance with 2-3 rows, which helps to place a lot of clothes, especially in the cold season. As for the floor models, they are characterized by many positive aspects and are multifunctional.

It is advisable to purchase hangers with upper and lower shelves for storing gloves, scarves, hats and shoes.

  • Shelves. Hanging structures are installed in the hallways, which are attached to the wall. Floor models for small rooms are not suitable, as they will take up space. Hooks for outerwear can be hung under these shelves.
  • Rack. It is necessary to give preference to options without a back wall. It takes up space economically, and is suitable for storing shoes and small items. You can increase the tier of the rack with shoe boxes. To do this, they need to be pasted over with the remnants of wallpaper or colored paper to match the tone of the hallway.
  • Mirror. An excellent decor element for small rooms, in addition to its direct purpose, it also helps to visually expand the room. You can hang both a wall model and choose models built into the furniture.
  • Shoe shelves. In the hallway, it is important to organize not only the storage of clothes, but also shoes. Best suited for these purposes are multi-tiered shelves that occupy the entire height of the wall. A wardrobe and a galoshes also look good in combination.

In addition to all of the above pieces of furniture in the hallway, you can also try to place dressers. These modules allow not only storing many things, but also complement the room with notes of completeness. If the area in the room is very small, then it is recommended to install special shelves for bags, keys and gloves.

Hallway furniture can be purchased both ready-made and made to order. At the same time, independent production has more advantages over standard models, since the homeowner tries himself as a designer, he selects a unique composition, style, and decorates the space to his taste.


It is not easy to pick up and arrange furniture in the hallway, since this room ends with an entrance door. Therefore, designers for this room create special design techniques that allow you to expand the space.

It is worth noting that furnishings, lighting and decoration play a huge role in the decor of the hallway. At the same time, all of the above indicators must correspond to one style and harmoniously fit into the interior.

To create a unique and spectacular interior, you need to follow some rules:

  • Apply simplicity in space;
  • Rationally use the area under the ceiling. Many things can be stored there;
  • Redevelop non-residential space;
  • Connect the living area with the hallway.

The choice of each of these options directly depends on the housing design. Many find it difficult to agree to remodeling rooms, but this has its advantages. For example, if there is a separate bathroom in the house, it is possible to combine it and, due to the resulting square meters, increase the hallway. After that, the furniture will be conveniently located and the cabinets will serve as a complete wardrobe.

If the option with a bathroom is not suitable, then you can fill the space under the ceiling. The installation of hanging cabinets expands the possibilities for storing things. Combining living space with a hallway is also considered an unusual design idea. In this case, the transition is made smooth and all furniture is selected in the same style. Cabinet modules should fill the rooms in stages, without dividing the space into zones.

Accommodation options in the interior

In small rooms, furniture must be installed rationally, since there is no way to place bulky headsets and cabinets. Therefore, corner models are considered an excellent option, which can be placed in the corners of the room or at the front door. In addition, it is recommended to replace bulky furniture with modular items of regular shapes.

The main problem of hallways is considered not only their mini-space, but also the very appearance of the room. There are square, narrow hallways, as well as a corner corridor, the last of which is difficult to furnish with furniture. The main advantage of a corner room is the presence of a free corner in which it is good to place a wardrobe. Thus, all planning problems will be solved, since it will be possible to arrange all the essentials in one place.

As for the square room, it will allow you to dream up and place various models of furniture.

Things are much worse with narrow corridors, they have no volume of walls and corners, only a narrow space. To make a stylish hallway out of such a room, you will need suspended or modular furniture.

Whatever look the hallway has, it must always be decorated with mirrors. In narrow and small rooms, this decorative element will help to increase illumination and visually expand the space. An important role in the design of the hallway is also assigned to lighting, it will complete the image of a room of any shape, emphasizing the desired shades and design style.

How to choose the right furniture for a small hallway is the next video.