Colored broiler (29 photos): description of the breed from France sasso xl 551 and xl 451, characteristics of day-old chickens, reviews

Colored broiler: varieties and recommendations for maintenance

    Many farms breed poultry. The most popular and widespread were and remain chickens. In many farmsteads you can find popular colored broilers. These birds are distinguished by amazing growth rates, for which they are appreciated by many poultry breeders. Let us take a closer look at this type of poultry in the article and find out what breeds it is subdivided into.


    The colored broiler is rightfully recognized as one of the most common types of poultry. This chicken belongs to the most demanded meat and egg category. It is growing rapidly and has remarkable productivity indicators.

    In the early stages of growth, a colored broiler can add 50 to 60 grams of weight daily.

    Colored broiler chickens are distinguished by a rather strong structure of an elongated body. They have a wide back and chest. The head of birds is not very large in size. The growth of colored broilers is usually not very large, but the bones are quite strong, the muscles are well developed.

    Colored broilers are birds with good decorative qualities. Their plumage is usually very bright and attracts attention. The skin of these individuals is lighter, which also gives them additional attractiveness.

    These beautiful and practical birds are distinguished by their high productivity. Therefore, many farmers try to breed colored broilers on their farms. Of course, good performance indicators of birds largely depend on the conditions in which they are kept. Colored broilers need to be properly fed and equipped with a high-quality poultry house.

    As for the rest of the characteristics of these poultry, there are a number of features.

    • The largest weight of adult males with proper care can reach 7 kg, and females - 4 kg.
    • During the day, chickens of this species are able to gain up to 50-60 grams of mass. When broilers are one month old, they can weigh 800-1000 grams - this is a very good indicator.
    • Most often, colored broilers are sent to slaughter when they reach two months. At this point, the birds can weigh from 2 to 2.5 kg.
    • Broiler colored layers have excellent egg production ability. One female is able to bring up to 300 eggs to the poultry farmer per year. Not every poultry can boast of such abilities, which makes colored broilers even more in demand and useful in the farm.
    • These birds are also characterized by good survival rates of young individuals. This figure is 98%. Of course, this level takes place provided proper bird care.
    • Colored boilers are renowned for the highest quality end products. These poultry meat contains a large percentage of animal protein.

    Best breeds

    There are several different breeds of colored broilers. Representatives of each of them differ in a certain appearance, color of plumage, behavior and other parameters. Let's get acquainted with the most common and popular breeds of colored broiler birds and find out how they are characterized.

    Red bro

    Representatives of this English breed are distinguished by their reddish-brown plumage. Birds with white feathers are a little less common. The constitution of these individuals is strong, the paws usually grow powerful and strong. The size of the head of these birds is rather large, but the beak does not differ in its great length.

    Chickens of the famous Red Bro breed feel great in the Russian climate. Here they easily adapt to any environment. The ideal temperature for keeping them is +7.25 degrees Celsius.

    The survival rate of young animals of these individuals is quite high. They grow beautifully and quickly if kept on simple feed.

    Chicks eat less food and are more resistant to various kinds of diseases than simple broilers.

    Already in six months, hens of this breed can weigh 2.5 kg, and males - 4 kg. These poultry meat is high in fiber and is not greasy. Layers can start laying eggs as early as 6 months. Bring from 100 to 200 eggs per year. The latter usually weighs about 60 g.

    Master gris

    Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their calm and peaceful nature. The breed was developed in France. Master Gris broilers may be kept both in the cage and on the floor in the house.

    Closer to 6 months, males in weight can reach 7 kg, and layers - up to 4. The meat of these individuals is not fat and is an excellent dietary product. Females can carry testicles from 4 months. In a year they are able to bring up to 300 eggs, the weight of which is often about 65-70 g. The performance indicators of the breed representatives pleasantly surprise many poultry farmers.


    Colored broilers of this famous breed were developed by French breeders. In special literature, they are indicated as sasso xl 551 or xl 451. Chickens have very small stature and the same compact head size. But at the same time, they are characterized by a wide and strong chest and strong legs.

    The beak of these representatives of the breed is small in size, and the skin is yellowish in color. An adult rooster can weigh up to 7 kg, and a laying hen - 4 kg. Birds belonging to the Sasso breed do not require complex and expensive care, for which they are loved and appreciated by poultry farmers. At the same time, poultry are very productive, have strong immunity and are not susceptible to most dangerous infectious diseases.

    Tetra HB Color

    These are home broilers. Meat hybrid individuals with brown plumage. The growth vigor of these birds is medium. They are usually bred to produce high quality premium meat. The final meat product is distinguished by excellent taste.

    This breed does not need large amounts of food. In addition, feed can be inexpensive - it is also suitable for these birds. For 70 days of life, chickens can gain 2.5 kg, and males - 3.5 on average. If you keep these poultry freely, then in the end they produce more tasty and flavorful meat.

    Naked Neck

    In many sources, representatives of this breed are called bare-necked. They are distinguished by a red neck, on which there are no feathers - it remains naked. Initially, this breed was actively bred in Hungary, Romania and Germany. Of course, they cannot give as much quality meat as Sasso, but they are still considered one of the best household chickens.

    Adult hairless males in weight can reach 3.5-4 kg, and hens - 2.5-3 kg. Many farms give preference to representatives of this breed, as they are characterized by excellent egg production rates. The eggs of these individuals are impressive in size, and their weight is usually about 60 g. During the year, a laying hen can bring 150-165 eggs.


    Birds of this breed can be easily distinguished from other domestic feathered individuals. They have a small head, while their neck is quite strong and strong. Growth in these individuals is modest, and the body is often stretched horizontally.

    Representatives of the tricolor breed perfectly keep on their feet, because they have an excellent skeleton and strong legs. The color of these individuals combines several different colors. It is because of this feature that this breed acquired its name. In most cases, the plumage of such birds consists of red, black, gray and yellow shades. There are times when the feathers of chickens have other color combinations.

    Adults of the tricolor breed begin to lay from about 5 months old, differing in good egg production.

    Some poultry farmers can boast that such layers have brought them 300 eggs per year. However, these individuals also have a minus - the tricolor is bad for the effects of low temperatures. In places where these birds are kept, the temperature should be at least +10 degrees Celsius.

    Conditions of detention

    Colored broilers show high productivity and produce healthy offspring only if they are provided with ideal conditions.

    The main condition that must be taken into account when keeping color broilers is that they should not live in large groups. In such conditions, the bird will not grow well and gain the desired weight. If you are going to keep colored broilers on the farm, then you should know that 1 sq. meter in the house should be no more than 10 chickens. True, this does not mean that such individuals cannot be kept in cages.

    As for the temperature regime, from the first days of life, day-old chicks should be in an environment where the temperature remains at least +25 degrees. After 10 days, this indicator can be slightly reduced to +22.23 degrees Celsius, after another week - you can lower a few more degrees.

    Colored broilers often don't see very well. Therefore, poultry farmers with some experience in broiler breeding are advised to take care of good lighting in the house. In such conditions, colored hens will be much more comfortable, they will better navigate in space.

    You need to take care of good and clean bedding for chickens. It can be made from sawdust or straw.

    Care should be taken to keep the bedding always clean and replaced as it gets dirty.

    To prevent colored broilers from getting sick, it is necessary to keep the coop clean. Excessive moisture should be avoided behind the walls of the house. If you notice even the slightest changes in the behavior and development of the birds (for example, they started coughing, cannot gain weight), then you need to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, otherwise you may miss the right moment.

    The house should be well fenced so that other animals cannot enter. And also it is necessary to allocate a walking area for colored broilers.


    In order for colored broilers to grow well, not get sick and bring a lot of meat / eggs, they must be properly fed - this is one of the most important conditions that cannot be ignored.

    The best option for feeding the birds you raise for meat is commercially available prepared foods. Usually they initially contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are required by the body of young individuals. They have already calculated all the necessary proportions and the number of calories.

    Of course, you can prepare balanced food for colored broilers yourself. To do this, use the appropriate components:

    • 90-100 g of oats;
    • 390-410 g of corn dough;
    • 45-55 g of barley grains;
    • 190-205 g wheat turkey;
    • 1.5-2.5 g of baker's yeast;
    • 150-180 g of cottage cheese;
    • 55 g bone or fish meal;
    • 140-145 g of sunflower meal.

      All of these components will need to be properly kneaded. The resulting food should be given to the birds in accordance with their age, 10-20 g per individual.

      In order for the skeleton of birds to get stronger, they need to be given more calcium. To do this, the broiler should be fed eggshells, chalk or shells. These components contain a large percentage of calcium.

      From one week, it is permissible for chickens to give nettles, potatoes, fresh herbs, fresh vegetables, seeds (their number should be very small), cabbage, pumpkin or beets.

      And also birds, especially young ones, need various vitamin supplements.

      Before serving food to colored broilers, it is recommended to warm it up a little. Individuals cannot be fed with rice, buckwheat or other cereals in a raw state. Do not ignore these prohibitions if you do not want to seriously harm your poultry.


      Growing colored broilers is not the most difficult thing, but this does not mean that they do not need any maintenance at all. Chickens of this popular breed need due regard to them, without which their productivity will not please the poultry farmer. Let's consider the main points regarding bird care.

      • It is imperative to clean the house and bedding in a timely manner. Birds must live clean, otherwise they can get sick.
      • During the day, the temperature in the poultry house should not drop below +2 degrees Celsius and rise above +27 degrees.
      • Change your bird bed often. It must be dry and clean.
      • The house should have medium brightness lighting. Greater brightness is needed only in those areas where the feeders are located.
      • Colored broilers are required not only to eat well, but also to drink clean water. In the poultry house it is necessary to place containers where there will always be liquid for drinking. Moreover, it is advisable to place water both in the chicken coop and in the area for walking birds.
      • Drafts should not "walk" in the poultry house. Otherwise, the birds can become seriously ill and die.
      • It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition and behavior of the birds. If the birds start to get sick, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

      Proper care also depends on the specific breed to which the colored broilers belong.


      This is not to say that the breeding of colored broilers causes many difficulties for poultry farmers. Consider how to properly breed these individuals using the example of representatives of the Sasso breed.

      These individuals do not require special care requirements, but in order for them to grow correctly, develop quickly, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for them. The correct care for these birds as a whole will depend on how productive they will be in the end.

      Keep in mind that French colored broilers, which in most cases are bred specifically for good meat, quickly respond to inappropriate human care.

      It is necessary to competently raise young growth. You will need to thoroughly disinfect the house weekly using specialized non-aggressive products. If the chicken coop is dirty, then various "chicken" diseases will spread in it, which will affect the birds. In order for the chicks to grow and develop quickly, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature regime in the house.

      When breeding colored broilers, it is strongly recommended not to accumulate too large numbers of birds, especially if the house is not very large. Otherwise, the chickens will not grow well.

      Newly born chicks will need a temperature of at least +25 degrees Celsius. Once they are over a week old, the temperature can be gradually reduced. If suddenly the chickens get sick - they cough up, then you should use the following means to treat them:

      • "Metronidazole" at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of bird weight;
      • Enroxil;
      • Baycox;
      • "Tetramisole".

      Helpful hints and tips

      When feeding broilers, care must be taken to ensure that the food contains sufficient protein. If this element is not enough in the body of birds, then they will not grow large and fleshy.

      Colored broiler chicks do not require too much range. In such conditions, the chick will walk a lot, losing a lot of weight.

      Make sure that no mold grows in the house. To prevent it from forming, it is necessary to keep the building dry. If it is wet and damp there, sooner or later, mold will appear.

      The most common cause of death of colored broiler chicks is lack or poor ventilation in the house. In addition, young animals must necessarily receive all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, and eat right.

      Any medication for these poultry should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. Do not experiment on colored broilers, because if they are not done correctly, they can die.


      Most farmers are happy with these birds. People like the fact that colored broilers are highly productive, but they do not require complex care and high costs for themselves. From them you can get a lot of eggs and delicious meat. These birds are ill a little - they have excellent immunity.

      Farmers did not notice any serious disadvantages for these individuals. Small inconveniences are caused only by the fact that you have to constantly make sure that the birds move and walk less, otherwise they gain weight more slowly because of this.

      Learn more about the content and expression of Sasso chickens in the video.